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 Support Capacity Ministries


We believe that the most impactful leaders — the ones who are making the biggest difference in others’ lives — are walking daily with God and serving out of the overflow of their relationship with Him.

But here’s the challenge:

Many Christians want to become more like Christ, but they don’t know how, or they struggle to follow through with their intentions.

In fact, a recent study by Barna found that 77% of practicing Christians believe it’s very important to see growth in their spiritual life, but only 20% are actively involved in some kind of discipleship activity.



That’s why we started Capacity Ministries. 

We walk alongside Christian communities who want to see their leaders grow and become even more effective in serving others. Our relational training combines time-tested spiritual formation principles with the science of how change happens. (Kind of like muscle memory!)

We are committed to building relationships that model Jesus’ discipleship. Here are some stories that show what this looks like in action, and how it’s changing the lives of Christian leaders.


Michelle’s Story

God is not disappointed in you.

Michelle was completely exhausted before the Capacity Builder experience. She had two small children, a new job as a Spanish teacher, and her husband had recently become paralyzed. She was yearning to connect with God.

As she went through the follow-up material, Michelle shared how she had failed at the first exercise: “When I got to the end of the day and started to reflect, I just fell asleep. No matter how hard I tried.”

Her Capacity Coach responded: “God is not disappointed in you, and neither am I. If you fall asleep, please sleep well!”

Her next message said, “Thank you so much! I didn’t think anyone was even reading this reflection.”

Michelle’s narratives about God’s expectations and her need to perform were strong, but her Capacity Coach created a safe place where she felt heard — and reminded her she was worth being heard. It made a HUGE difference in her life.

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Joshua’s Story

Living in Christ’s power and presence

When Joshua went through Capacity Builder, he was facing some big life changes: a new job at a rescue shelter, starting graduate school, and expecting another child. He was anxious and uncertain about his future.

He had never heard of spiritual disciplines, but these simple tools for connecting with God have completely transformed his life. Now he makes time in the morning to ask God to reign in his day and time at night to reflect and see where God was at work.

It’s increased his capacity for ministering to people at the rescue shelter. He notices body language and how people respond to (or avoid) certain questions. With God’s leading, he presses deeper and addresses their hearts while caring for their physical needs.

Joshua said he’s not a naturally empathetic person, but Christ is transforming this trait for His glory. 



We are overflowing with joy when we tell these stories and think about the ways God is working through Capacity.

Yet, there are still so many people in positions of influence — people who have dedicated their lives to caring for others on behalf of Christ — who are longing for something deeper in their life with God.

That’s why we are dreaming of a nationwide network of Capacity Coaches who can go into local Christian communities, invest in their leaders, and help them grow.

But we need your help to make this dream a reality.



We are inviting generous partners (like you!) to join us in expanding God’s Kingdom by training Christian communities to connect with God and make an impact on the world
around them.

Your gift will help us train a nationwide network of new Capacity Coaches, create more online learning resources, and offer Capacity Builder scholarships to underserved communities.

Our desire is that all Christ-following communities would understand and practice Jesus’s invitation to daily, vibrant Kingdom life so that, together, we can influence the world as He did.

Will you help?
Every gift makes a difference.

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 If you have questions about supporting Capacity Ministries, please contact executive director Mike Clifford at 316-285-0832 or

Capacity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible under U.S. law.