A 10-week discipleship experience for small groups of Christian leaders.
Immersive, half-day spiritual development experiences focused on building our capacity to live and lead like Jesus. Custom Recharges are also available upon request!
Practical tools to help you connect with God and impact the world.
Capacity walks alongside Christian communities to develop and train them to become more effective in serving others like Christ.
At Capacity, we understand that life can sometimes feel like a desert — empty, dry, or confusing, especially in these uncertain times in our world today.
So imagine if the leaders in your Christian community felt closer to God and more intimate with Christ. Imagine if they developed a greater capacity for serving their neighbors. Imagine the impact they would make as they participate in God’s work of restoring the world together.
If this isn’t your current reality, what will it take for you to get there?
About Us
Capacity Ministries is a nonprofit Christian organization that trains leaders to become more like Christ. Our desire is for all Christ-following communities to understand and practice Jesus’ invitation to daily Kingdom life and develop a greater capacity for influencing the world as He did.
Practical tools, training, and resources to help you and your Christian community grow
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