Spiritual Formation
Become more like Jesus.
Practices / disciplines / spiritual exercises
The habits that help us grow deeper in our faith and become more like Jesus
Spiritual direction
A coach who supports and encourages you on your journey to become more like Jesus
Lectio Divina
A prayerful conversation with Jesus about what you’re thinking, wondering, and learning while reading the Bible.
A commitment to live your life in a certain way, according to the unique personality, opportunities, and values God has given you.
Rule of life
The place where God reigns as King – in our hearts as believers and over all of creation
Dallas Willard
A recent Christian teacher who wrote about spiritual formation. He gave people ideas and tools to become more
like Jesus
Church fathers
Teachers and thinkers who lived shortly after Jesus walked the earth. They wrote down important ideas about what the church and the Christian life should look like
VIM - vision, intention,
and means
Vision = The things we need to understand clearly to experience a closer relationship with God
Intention = Values we need to commit to
Means = The things we can do to make change happen
Quiet, focused time reading the Bible, thinking about what it means in your life, and talking to God (praying) about it
The belief that God became a human being and walked on the earth without giving up his deity (the qualities that make him God).
Leader / influencer
People who have the ability to make a difference in someone else’s life. (We are all leaders and influencers!)
To change or become like someone else
The process of changing
A set of reflection questions to help you see where God was active in your day
Daily Examen
A concrete, compelling idea of who you want to be, what you want to do, and who you want to serve in the future.
Small, intentional steps that make it easier to change, little by little, over time. (Change doesn’t have to be big, and it doesn’t have to happen all at once!)
Three degrees of change
Positive feedback loops
When we start to change (even just a little!) it’s easier to keep changing and keep growing. Taking the first step is important!
The way we feel and understand the essence and character of God which is often recognized in others.