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“We come to Scripture not to learn a subject but to steep ourselves in a person.” C.S. Lewis

Why Engage It?

Have you read through the entire Bible? Many people have not! Whether you have or have not, reading through the Bible in a short amount of time has a few benefits:

  1. You get a better grasp on the storyline of the Bible.

  2. You are immersed (or steeped) in God’s word. 

  3. Bragging rights? 😊

C.S. Lewis, a lover of tea, knew that when tea leaves are placed into water for a prolonged amount of time, the water begins to change. Much like the water and tea, our lives change when we allow scripture to “steep” in us.

How to Practice It

There are many different reading plans for reading the Bible in 90 days. Simply find a plan that you like and start! Here are a few tips:

  1. The YouVersion Bible App allows you to read and/or listen to many different versions of the Bible. If you don’t have extended periods of time where you can sit down and read, try listening to your bible while you are doing other things (like cooking, driving, or even showering!).

    Here’s a good one: Bible in 90 Days | Devotional Reading Plan | YouVersion Bible

  2. Skipping around is fine if it helps you but reading chronologically (from Genesis-Revelation) helps you stay on track with the story line.

  3. Make it a challenge with other people! Sometimes it helps when other people are keeping you accountable. YouVersion plans allow multiple people to do the same plan together and even encourages discussion. You could also start a text or email thread, or even a Facebook group.

  4. Give yourself grace. It’s okay if you fall behind, just keep going where you left off.

Happy reading!

Capacity Ministries