Why Engage It?
Visual journaling is a form of expression that anyone can do. Basically, it is prayerfully putting onto paper what God’s sprit guides us to notice, just beneath the surface of our usual attention.
Numerous studies have shown that creativity helps bridge the gap between our thoughts and feelings. Visual journaling is one way to bridge that gap.
How to Practice It
You will need:
Paper, something to doodle with (pen or pencil, crayons, colored pencils, paint, etc.)
• Frist, offer a brief prayer and sit quietly for a couple minutes; relax and breathe deeply, let go of any tension you may feel.
• Thinking of the last several days or last few weeks, identify an experience of a strong emotion (positive or negative). Think of a word that describes that emotion and write a brief statement about it.
• Now pray for an image that captures the emotion.
• Once an image comes to you, start drawing. It can be realistic and precise, or abstract. If no image comes, start doodling and just see what comes.
• As you draw, don’t allow yourself to analyze or critique; simply try to capture visually the event and emotions. Be at peace and be open to God.
• When you’re done drawing, contemplate the image for a while; what do you notice? Write that down.
• How does what you just wrote differ from the statement you wrote at the beginning? Contrast and compare.
• Offer a closing prayer.